Riding The Upward Wave

One assumption that you can make is that there will be a boatload of new NFT’s that will drop per week.

Some will get a lot of attention. They’ll be hot. They’ll sell like crazy and the floor price will go up.

This is what we want.

Let’s coin a new term and call these INCREASINGLY HOT NFT’S (IHN’S).

Your goal (and mission in life) is to constantly improve your methods for finding IHN‘s.

With that in mind, as time goes on, some of these HOT NFT’s will go cold.

NFT Assumption #48575 – Once an NFT goes super cold, assume it will stay cold.

Look at the following two charts.

Chart #1: y00ts

Chart #2: Generous Robots

As you can see, Chart #2 (Generous Robots) shows the chart of a once-hot NFT (it was once trending upward), but it has gone super cold.

This chart was screen-captured on 12/1/22.

At the time y00ts was at 152 SOL. And Generous Robots was at 0.80 SOL.

Some people believe in investing in NFTs/cryptos/stocks that are far from their all time high. I used to do that….until I got burned 98% of the time.

With that in mind, I’m sure with stocks and cryptos there are conditions when it makes sense to take this approach, but when it comes to NFT’s, my approach is to jump off of a sinking ship.

While it’s mathematically possible for an NFT to recovery after it’s gone super cold, I have found that it’s so rare that it’s not worth the gamble.

For example, on 11/23 (a week before this post) y00ts was at 113 SOL (it was an IHN and it was on the rise). And Generous Robots was at 0.79 SOL.


NFT Assumption #48575-3: Once an NFT has gone super cold, assume it will stay cold.

If you really think about it, the marketing effort/energy to boost an NFT that has gone super cold will be extreeeemely difficult.


Well, because as time goes on, it has to do two ‘difficult’ things at the same time: (1) provide the marketplace with a good reason to invest + (2) compete with the new NFT’s that are emerging each day.

With that in mind, here’s the tactic.

The Riding The Upward Wave Tactic

Step 1: Go to MagicEden.io

Step 2: Pay attention to the high volume NFT’s (High Volume = More Eye Balls = More opportunities for others to invest = Higher likelihood of boosting floor price)

Step 3: If you find a high volume NFT, go to Solsniper.xyz

Step 4: Find the NFT’s with charts that are currently trending upwards.

Step 5: Consider buying the NFT.

In future posts, I will share the NFT’s that I bought using this tactic.

Let me know what you think my friend.

Best Regards,
CR James | crjames.sol


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